1. Don't be afraid to rock your tweeny weeny fro. Especially if you did the big chop and don't have much hair, now is the perfect time to wear your fro. It's not a lot of hair to manage and it's shape won't be as heavily affected by everyone wanting to touch it. Pick your hair out and go with it.

At night time, moisturize and sleep with a satin scarf. If your hair is long enough, put a few twists in it. This will help keep it soft. If your hair isn't long enough to twist, no worries; just use a water bottle and spray a light mist to get rid of bed head. Don't drench your hair; you don't want pneumonia! Add moisturizer and go. I recommend Carol's Daughter Hair Milk or Organic Root Stimulator's moisturizer.

If you like your curl pattern, you could wash and moisturize, but don't use a pick. Sit under a dryer or use a blow dryer. Your hair may be a little hard, but you can use a water mist and moisturizer to help soften it. At night, sleep with a satin cap, and use the mist and moisturizer in the morning to revive your curl pattern.
3. Try Kinky Twists
4. Get another protective hair style, in addition to the kinky twist. This will keep you from having to do your hair everyday. You can look through a natural hair magazine or find pics online of styles you'd be interested in trying. Or you could just steal a style from someone that you see. I posted the pics below earlier, but I thought I would do it again. I saw this woman at a wedding and thought her hair was very cute.