When I first did the Big Chop, all I could think about was, "When is my hair going to grow back?" I had shoulder length hair and I really missed it (we've been conditioned to be obsessed with length). At any rate, my hair has really made tremendous progress and I have 3 tips that I think contributed to my hair making it back to its pre-chop length (actually it's a little longer now).
1. Use more protective styles
Last year I committed to wearing two strand twists and twist outs for 12 months. I'd twist my hair (a few times I went to a salon), wear it for about 4-5 weeks, rock the twist out for a week, wash it and then start the cycle over. Picking, combing, blow drying, and flat ironing all contribute to shedding. The less you do it, the less damage you're causing to your hair. My hair grew exponentially over the past 12 months. However, I should add that my results were a little skewed because I got pregnant-minus the pregnancy though, I still believe this process helped my hair.Plus I read that being pregnant doesn't make your hair grow but instead it makes your hair thicker because you're not shedding as much as you normally do.
2. Get your ends clipped, but not too often
When I first went natural, I tried to keep the same routine for clipping my ends that I used when I had a perm--every 6 weeks. However, natural hair doesn't need to be clipped as often as permed hair because it's not processed. It was hard for me to experience growth because I was clipping my ends so much. Now, I clip them once every 3-4 months.
3. Use Wild Growth Hair Oil
This hair oil has many uses, but I only used it on my scalp as a moisturizer about every 3-4 days. You only need to use small drops. Use your finger to help rub it in. Be careful because if you put too much, it will run.
This stuff worked so well that it scared me and I stopped using it. LOL!! My hair was noticibilly getting longer. I overcame my fear after reading others' reviews and started using it again. Just to warn you, it has an interesting smell.
I believe these 3 things are what helped me over the past year. Do any of you have tips for promoting hair growth? Please share.