The Bible says that wise people learn from others' mistakes. So I'm going to do a series of posts about hair mistakes I've made, and hopefully you'll learn from them and not do the same.
#2-If You Get a Headache From Your Hairstyle, Take It Down
In January of 2006, I had to do a 2nd big chop (see earlier post). I was devastated that I had to start from scratch with growing my hair back. Around August or so of the same year, I started to notice that my hair was getting longer. I did a blow out and was so pleased with what I saw.
Finally, after all this time, I had an afro puff. I even did a mini-photo shoot. To keep my hair pulled back, I started wearing these stretchy bands around my hair. Every once in a while,though, I'd get a headache. My hair felt like it was a little too tight. I'd try to loosen the band, but my head would still hurt. I just started popping in an Advil pill or two and kept it moving.
A few months later, I noticed that the hair on one side of my head was shorter than the hair around it. I looked to the same spot on the opposite side of my head and noticed the same breakage. I also noticed that my scalp was sore in those areas.
I immediately knew that my hair had broken off from wearing those bands. I guess I ignored those warning signs of pain because I was so happy to see that my hair was finally growing and plus I had an afro puff! Crazy I know. But nonetheless, lesson learned!
Nowadays if I want to pull my hair back, I'll use a scarf or a knee high stocking.
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